Happy birthday Frans!
10 April 2021 22:22Today Frans van der Lugt, my uncle, was actually allowed to blow out 83 candles. How nice it would have been if I had been with him in his monastery in Homs or Ald Ard right now to celebrate this together. Unfortunately it turned out differently, but I had a great day. Besides having been able to light a candle and peek at his photo several times, I had the pleasure of meeting Sander de Kramer, presenter of Zin in Weekend! of radio station NPO radio 5 by telephone. Not only was it a special conversation about Walk for Homs, but also about his own Sunday Foundation. I still get goosebumps when I think back to his story, wonderful what he does for the young people and their carers in Africa. A special man, that Sander! But I'm also going to meet him as a person, because he has promised to join Walk for Homs. And a promise is a debt, right? But my day also consisted of another special incident. Geert van Dartel, participant of Walk for Homs, secretary / director of the Catholic Association for Ecumenism and chairman of the Council of Churches, asked me to join a meeting with Cilia ter Horst on Monday afternoon, a person who was already on my list of people I have yet to call. Unfortunately I can't, but shortly afterwards my doorbell rang. The book "Wie ben jij, o liefde" by my uncle, Frans van der Lugt, was delivered. And who do you think translated this from Arabic? Precisely Cicilia ter Horst! Anyone who is not yet convinced that Frans is looking over my shoulder ... everyone for himself, of course, but congratulations to Frans! Nice to be able to celebrate this day with you!